Commission on Occult and Satanism
The Church in MaltaOn the 13th April 1995 the Archbishop of Malta, Joseph Mercieca, established the Diocesan Commission on Occult and Satanism (Kummisjoni Djocesan dwar l-Okkult u s-Satanizmu - KOS) by Decree. Since then its mission has been to:
- Study occultism, spiritism and satanism from a theological stand point and take also into consideration natural phenomena pertaining to psychology, psychiatry and parasychology, which could help authentic discernment;
- Keep the Archbishop informed about what is taking place;
- Give advice about any possible pastoral activity in the circumstances;
- Help members of the Church in Malta facing such problems.
All members of the Commission are appointed by the Archbishop of Malta. The first members appointed by the late Archbishop Mons. Joseph Mercieca were:
- President: Fr Elias Vella OFM Conv.
- Secretary: Fr Marcello Ghirlando OFM
- Member: Fr Joseph Borg SJ
- Member Fr Hugh Cremona OP
Fr Cremona and Fr Borg passed away in 2014 and 2018, respectively.
Furthermore, with a degree dated 1 July 2005, the Archbishop renewed the Commission Members and appointed two Franciscan Capuchin priests as official Exorcists:
- Fr John Vella OFM Cap
- Fr Franco Fenech OFM Cap
In 2014 Archbishop Paul Cremona appointed Fr Sandro Camilleri S.D.B., Fr David Borg O.F.M. Conv. and Fr Stefan Attard as Auxiliary Exorcists.
In 2014 Fr Alex Refalo from Gozo was appointed an official Exorcist by Bishop Mario Grech.