The Media and Divination
Means of communication such as the television, news papers, magazines and radio (the mass media) were designed to be at the service of information, of culture, of entertainment; however, ever more frequently, they have become channels for messages which are both dangerous and deviating for the souls, minds and consciences of those who, aware of it or not, are their targets.
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The Church Must Speak About The Devil
Cardinal Georges Cottier was born in Switzerland in 1922 and is a member of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Friars). Cardinal Georges Cottier, while he was still the theologian to the Pontifical Household, wrote an introduction to the book "Presidente degli Esorcisti -- Esperienze e Delucidazioni di Don Gabriele Amorth" (President of the Exorcists -- Experiences and Clarifications of Father Gabriel Amorth).
Father Amorth is an exorcist of the Diocese of Rome, and founder and honorary president of the International Association of Exorcists.The book has been recently published by Edizioni Carismatici Francescani. Here is a translation of Cardinal Cottier's introduction.

The Doors Of Hell Will Not Prevail
Don Gabriele Amorth was born in Modena in 1925 and was a priest of the St.Paul's society. Don Amorth passed away at the age of 91 on September 2016. He is well known for his publications especially on Our Lady. Don Amorth was member of the International Marian Academy. As the appointed exorcist for the Diocese of Rome, he was the Vatican's Chief Exorcist. Don Gabriele performed thousands of exorcisms.
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Un-Coding Jesus Christ - Manual on The Da Vinci Code
The Church recognizes that the release of the film The Da Vinci Code is a golden opportunity for it to enter into dialogue and deal with important questions relating to its message. For, both the book and the film do raise questions which deserve serious reflection. Hence, in a spirit of dialogue and service, and through the Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali (IFP), the Church in Malta is offering this manual. It is an attempt to go beyond the often fictitious answers given by Dan Brown’s work.
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The Devil & Exorcism
It has become the fashion nowadays to talk about the devil. Some do this to deny his existence. There are amongst them some theologians like HAAG, KASPER, FRANZONI and others, who, subsequent to the Vatican Council, placed in doubt the 2000-years-old belief of the Church.
Then, there are those who talk about him with a certain sense of fear, convinced in their belief that the devil exists everywhere and see his hand in all things, blaming him for all that happens to them declaring him to have had a hand in their misfortunes. There are also those who speak about the devil with a certain amount of enthusiasm to a point where they are prepared to adore him and work hand-in-hand with him to establish his reign on earth. These are the Satanists.
Finally, there are those who prefer to ignore him, not only because they are not interested in the subject but also because they feel that topics of this nature belonged to the middle ages rather than the world of to-day - the age of space-travel and computers.

The St. Benedict Cross - Powerful against Evil
"The battle against the devil, which is the principal task of Saint Michael the Archangel, is still being fought today, because the devil is still alive and active in the world. The evil that surrounds us today, the disorders that plague our society, man's inconsistency and brokenness, are not only the results of original sin, but also the result of Satan's pervasive and dark action." Pope John Paul the Second, May 24, 1987
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